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Is there a biblical way to publically protest the ways of the world? ... This web address discusses the LEGAL way to hold a public protest, but is there a biblically correct way to protest the ways of the world?

Well in light of all that is going on in our world today that is offensive to a Christian, that is  certainly a relevant question. My own personal feeling is that Christians are not called to protest things. We are called to be salt and light. We are to speak out when people commit crimes or push an ungodly agenda on society. But typically this is by proclaiming truth, rather than by condemning the acts of others. The world too often knows Christians by what they are against. They ought to know us because of what we are "for." Jesus said truth would set people free (John 8:32). We need to focus on putting truth before people so they see the marked contrast between what others are saying and what God says. God commands us to do everything we do in love. Too often, our protests are not loving. They are condemning. So, there may well be times where we must take a stand against evil or injustice, but our greatest efforts ought to be aimed at how we can promote truth and godliness. When you enter a darkened room you have two choices. You can either condemn the darkness for pervading that room, or, you can turn on a light.

Author: admin


  1. Dan

    Well said. And thank you for your feedback which confirms what I have found in searching the scriptures for direction in this area.

    I have great respect for one of our contemporary spiritual leaders, theologian, and author of several popular Christian books. However, in one of his books directed toward pastors he spends a full chapter writing to encourage Christian leaders to take a public stand against abortion. He says of himself, “I speak and pray at pro-life gatherings outside abortion clinics and support crisis pregnancy centers with my presence and my money.” He goes on to say, “In past days I have joined peaceful protests and been arrested numerous times and spent one night in jail… The point is this: I believe pastors should put their lives and ministries on the line in this issue.” This challenge, however, gave me a troubled spirit when I read it and I’ve been looking for biblical basis and spiritual truths for direction in regards to Christians and public protesting.

    Yes, in the church we need to clearly and boldly preach against abortion and all other political issues that conflict with the doctrine of scripture. But our interaction with the public outside the church should be that of a loving servant not a condemning religious leader.

    “Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called sons of God.” Matthew 5:9

  2. BMI

    Dan, this is a complicated issue. I believe there may truly be times when Christians should take a public stand against evil. Yet ultimately people must seek the Lord’s guidance as to what God wants them to do. When people insist that I must protest things in the same way they do, I disagree. Our ministry is often asked to add its name to letters of protest against various issues. We generally decline. We are always glad when people follow their conscience. But we have felt impressed that sinful behavior is not the problem, it is the symptom. We can continually sick people for acting unhealthily, or we can strive to help them become well. Certainly in the case of abortion, there is a life and death issue which makes it more urgent. Nevertheless, the way to stop the behavior ultimately will come from touching people’s hearts. In this, each child of God must seek divine direction to know what role God wants them to play.

  3. Dan

    Some of the best Spirit-filled preachers today are our CCM song writers… I love the message of this new song released by Casting Crowns. It is a clear message to the church regarding our attitude of judgement and condemnation over the attitude of love that Jesus modeled for us.

    “Jesus Friend Of Sinners”
    written by Mark Hall & Matthew West

    Verse 1:
    Jesus Friend of sinners, We have strayed so far away
    We cut down people in Your name But the sword was never ours to swing
    Jesus Friend of sinners, The truth’s become so hard to see
    The world is on their way to You But they’re tripping over me
    Always looking around but never looking up
    I’m so double minded, A plank-eyed saint with dirty hands And a heart divided

    (Oh) Jesus Friend of sinners Open our eyes to the world
    At the end of our pointing fingers Let our hearts be led by mercy
    Help us reach with open hearts and open doors
    Oh Jesus Friend of sinners, Break our hearts for what breaks Yours

    Verse 2:
    Jesus, Friend of sinners, The One whose writing in the sand… Made the righteous turn away And the stones fall from their hands
    Help us to remember we are all the least of these
    Let the mem’ry of Your mercy Bring Your people to their knees
    Nobody knows what we’re for Only what we’re against when we judge the wounded
    What if we put down our signs Crossed over the lines And loved like You did

    You love ev’ry lost cause, You reach for the outcast For the leper and the lame
    They’re the reason that You came
    Lord I was that lost cause And I was the outcast
    But You died for sinners just like me: A grateful leper at Your feet

    (‘Cause) You are good, You are good
    And Your love endures forever

    And I was the lost cause And I was the outcast
    Hey, You died for sinners just like me: A grateful leper at Your feet

  4. Tom Blackaby

    I like the comments made already. I would add that the clinics are not really the issue are they? The issue is the people who go there to use the service. The people who go there are in our communities, in our schools, at our workplaces who need the Lord in their life. The only time we interact with them should not be at the clinic, it should be where they are before they go to the clinic. We need to be touching their lives prior to their pregnancy, showing them a better way than the clinic. The clinics only provide the services for people who are using them for a quick solution to a serious issue.

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